Rev. Serge Brevert, Lead Pastor
Our Mission: Make disciples, baptizing in the name of the Trinity, and teaching obedience to everything Jesus commanded.
Our Vision is to be a Christian Community where the Great Commandment is lived and demonstrated and the Great Commission is lived out:
- Each person is accepted where they are in order to win them to Christ.
- Each person is introduced to Jesus, discipled, and deployed.
- Others come to know God's love because they see him in and through us.
- Our children and youth mature in their Ch
Our Vision is to be a Christian Community where the Great Commandment is lived and demonstrated and the Great Commission is lived out:
- Each person is accepted where they are in order to win them to Christ.
- Each person is introduced to Jesus, discipled, and deployed.
- Others come to know God's love because they see him in and through us.
- Our children and youth mature in their Ch

We encourage you to join via Zoom if you are not able to attend in person! Click the image to join.
Meeting ID: 735 374 5748
Meeting Password: eumc
Meeting ID: 735 374 5748
Meeting Password: eumc
The Order of Worship for Sunday.

March 30
Click above to Display

Join us for Worship at 10:30 am Sunday! Click the picture to live stream
1. Click on the picture above for YouTube
For problems with Youtube Stream call broadcast tech number listed in bulletin
For problems with Youtube Stream call broadcast tech number listed in bulletin
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Prayer Request
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Reason for Request
Reason for Request

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Click the picture to join us Tuesdays @ 3:30 pm for virtual prayer led by our Lay Leader, Mike Nester.

3rd Saturday of the Month
Men, join us at 8:00am
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Click to view our services and sermons. Sorry for the delay. The conversion takes time and editing.
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A teaching of John Wesley!
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